Algomus code is generally released on git repositories under
Le et al., Evaluating Interval-based Tokenization for Pitch Representation in Symbolic Music Analysis, Music4AI Workshop at AAAI 2025: code and data
Le et al., Analyzing Byte-Pair Encoding on Monophonic and Polyphonic Symbolic Music: A Focus on Musical Phrase Segmentation, NLP4MusA 2024: code and data
Maccarini et al., Co-creative Orchestration of Angeles with Layer Scores and Orchestration Plans, evoMUSART 2024: code and data
D’Hooge et al., Guitar Chord Diagram Suggestion for Western Popular Music, SMC 2024 (under review): demo and code: coming soon…
D’Hooge et al., Modeling Bends in Popular Music Guitar Tablatures, ISMIR 2023: code and data
Borsan et al.,Adding descriptors to melodies improves pattern matching: A study on Slovenian folksongs, ISMIR 2023: code and data
Couturier et al., Comparing Texture in Piano Scores, ISMIR 2023: code
Couturier et al., A Dataset of Symbolic Texture Annotations in Mozart Piano Sonatas, ISMIR 2022: code and data
Couturier et al., Annotating Symbolic Texture in Piano Music: a Formal Syntax, SMC 2022: code and data
Deguernel et al., Personalizing AI for co-creative music composition from melody to structure, submitted, 2022: code
Micchi et al., Not All Roads Lead to Rome: Pitch Representation and Model Architecture for Automatic Harmonic Analysis, TISMIR, 2019: code
Soum-Fontez et al., Symbolic Textural Features and Melody/Accompaniment Detection in String Quartets, CMMR 2021: code
Régnier et al., Identification of rhythm guitar sections in symbolic tablatures, ISMIR 2021: code
Data are available on